Cross Encounters is a professional award winning performing arts show producer, performer, event presenter and organiser. It creates contemporary innovative intercultural theatre, stage and screen works, by using multiple art forms across different cultures.  By combining the best of the Australian and Asian performing arts sectors, it leads and fosters mutual conversations, partnerships, as well as networking and exchange opportunities between artists and audiences.

The company is the first independent non-profit performing arts organisation in Melbourne that has a particular focus on the exchange and communication between Australian and Chinese theatre, and the first arts organisation in Australia which produces Chinese-Australian cross-cultural physical theatre works. Our artistic style and innovative intercultural drama shows are unique and we’re the first and only creatives among all the performing arts groups in Australia. We’re lucky to have been recognised for our distinct artistic genre and explorations.

We provide interface between the Chinese and Australian industry. Other projects include workshops, theatre forums, education programs, public events, presentations and collaborations. We have been engaged by the Australian Council of the arts, among other bodies and organisations.

Cross Encounters is Melbourne’s first and only independent NFP and DGR certified Chinese-Australian performing arts organisation.