We would like to express our appreciation to all the media and critics who report on us or add any comments about our productions. We value all opinions and will keep continue our work towards becoming a bridge and driving force in arts, cultural exchange and collaboration between Australia and Asia.
What they said:
SPRING ROMANCE Comes to Musical Dumplings Feast

“Spring Romance is a unique musical journey unravels a young lady’s unexpected encounters on Chinese New Year, with a special design of innovative Guzheng music accompany…Lead artist Olivia Wang has participated in various aspects of the performing arts, spanning stage, screen and music.”
by Stephi Wild
BroadwayWorld 20 Feb 2024
Cross Encounters presents the Asian Australian Drama Music Festival

“As a pioneer in Asian-Australian contemporary physical theatre, Cross Encounters stands out as the first and only creative force of its kind in Australia, promising a distinctive cross-cultural experience on Christmas Eve combining music, dance, and singing.”
Australian Arts Review 20 Dec 2023

Cross Encounters作为澳洲当地的跨文化表演艺术团体,即将带着他们富有中国戏曲元素的跨文化肢体剧作品《生死之交》亮相本次的Fringe艺术节,为当地观众展现中国传统戏曲和西方戏剧的魅力。
Mo Lin
SBS 20 Oct 2023
A FRIENDSHIP OF LIFE AND DEATH, The First Ever Chinese Opera Physical Theatre Piece To Be Presented In Australia

“The Chinese opera element is highlighted by the presence of the dramaturg and guest vocal artist. Music will play an important part and there will be remarkable cross-cultural presentations between guitar and pipa, creating a visceral experience for the audience.”
by Blair Ingenthron
BroadwayWorld 15 Oct 2023

“ “肢体戏剧”和“社交活动”似乎是两个相去甚远的概念,但墨尔本的一家中澳戏剧文化机构却把二者结合在一起,组织了一场公益活动。活动将戏剧元素融入到社交活动和游戏中,让参与者通过学习简单的表演技巧提高人际沟通和情感连接的能力。”
by Mo Lin
SBS 2 April 2023
Cross Encounters presents: Melbourne’s First Physical Theatre Open Social Forum

“enjoy the thrill of physical interactions and develop your theatre skills, …..meet new friends and expand their social circle naturally during the process. It is a unique social experience that combines physical theatre and socialisation.”
by Stephi Wild
BroadwayWorld 10 Mar 2023
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Back in trendy style, Chinese Mid-Autumn celebrations embellish Australia’s ‘cultural capital’

“Performers reenacted the Moon-worshipping rituals, a tradition to mark the Chinese mid-Autumn Festival in Melbourne, Australia”
by Wang Qi
XINHUANeT新华网 11 Sep 2022

“It is an experimental physical theatre performance depicting a journey through suffering and struggle, while exploring the search for beauty and the idea of rebirth out of darkness.”
Limelight 11 December 2021
Read the full article
Cross Encounters presents Nirvana at La Mama

“The collaboration between artists from different cultural backgrounds is the cornerstone of this project. The story, performance style, music and creative line up are all dynamic elements which make for an unexpected encounter and a truly unique work.”
Australian Arts Review 7 December 2021
非营利机构Cross Encounters:立志做澳中跨文化戏剧交流的桥梁

“自创立以来,她的团队们创作了不少实验先锋类的跨文化戏剧。其中最新一部名为“涅槃重生”的肢体剧被选中在La mama独立剧院的火灾重建纪念演出做开场表演.
一直以来,Cross Encounters也还在寻找联结本地华人观众的桥梁…正如“凤凰涅槃”的寓意一般,隧道的尽头定是光明。”
SBS 23 Oct 2021

“肢体剧(Physical Theatre),又称形体戏剧或身体剧场,作为戏剧表演的一种形式和风格,探索着形体在艺术表达方面的可能性。
“我们探索身体的可能性,冲突和张力,从中弱化了台词,无形中就克服了语言阶层的障碍。然后加上可能我们在音乐上面也有创新,我们(Cross Encounters)每部戏的配乐都是有中西方的元素,可能也是一个新的尝试。”
SBS 09 Oct 2021
A Stone’s Throw – Adelaide Fringe 2021 Review

“I was surprised to discover there is no speaking in this show which makes it unique compared to the others I have recently watched. It was a nice change that encouraged me to remain present and focus on the story unfolding and my interpretation of it. While the set is simplistic, its story is filled with passion and emotion told through physical movements and expression with beautifully composed accompanying music.
The desperation was confronting, emotive and thought-provoking.
If you are looking to explore a Fringe event that is unique, moving and engages your mind pulling you back to the moment, look no further than A Stone’s Throw.”
by Erin Jade
Weekend NOTES 16 Mar 2021
A STONE’S THROW Comes to Adelaide Fringe

“Although the theme is philosophical, the performance is light in touch and has flashes of humour as it moves through and reaches an uplifting conclusion.”
by Stephi Wild
broadway WORLD Adelaide 26 Feb 2021
Melbourne Fringe: A Stone’s Throw

” ‘A stone’s throw’ can be a short distance, or longer. Perhaps its malleability is the reason why it remains such a common idiom, even after five centuries. A Stone’s Throw, by Cross Encounters, plays with this definition in a cross-cultural production featuring Chinese and Australian performers.
A Stone’s Throw may not have much in the way of narrative, but considering the audacity of its scope – let alone the challenges of performing digitally without the benefit of a live audience – it certainly provided plenty of atmosphere and entertainment.”
by David Collins
Australian Arts Review 30 November 2020
A Stone’s Throw

“Three performers take to the stage. Dark and mysterious lighting creates a mystical aura as they move in unison, fluttering their wing- like-arms as they trawl across the floor with their backs facing the audience. They weave in and out, leaping with fluidity and strength as the story unfolds. This is a unique tale developed from traditional stories of the land, recreated into a cyclical life journey, set in a small Chinese village.
This is a subtle yet upfront show that offers sorrowful yet beautiful encounters between rural people… It is a simple yet charming gesture that completes a part of the dramatic journey. I commend all the people involved in this show and look forward to their next production.”
by Flora Georgiou
Stage Whispers

“This COVID year has been one like no other – difficult in so many ways but also inspirational. History has taught us that the very trying times make the most innovative, and we can certainly celebrate those innovations within our theatre community as companies and groups forge through their shared challenges with ideas both unique and stimulating.
One such group is emerging Cross Encounters, who present their inaugural work, A Stone’s Throw, for the Melbourne Fringe Live Streaming Broadcast later this month.”
Theatre People
17 Nov 2020