Thank you to the Makizhmithran International Film Festival! We’re excited for the news, We would also like to thank all team members and every effort you’ve made throughout our filming period 🎉
Stay tuned, more news coming soon.
For media enquiry, please contact us at

Cross Encounters is a renowned not-for-profit performing arts company in Melbourne. Established by Olivia Wang – a leadering figure in the Chinese-Australian performing arts scene, the group is dedicated to creating innovative intercultural works. The company is Melbourne’s sole fully accredited Chinese-Australian performing arts organisation. By combining the best of the Australian and Asian performing arts sectors, it also leads and fosters mutual conversations, partnerships, as well as networking and exchange opportunities. The company has received and been nominated for more than 45 local, national and international awards, including 26 film awards and nominations. The group is noted for achievements in arts innovation, supporting and preserving cultural expression, as well as fostering intercultural understanding by creating opportunities for collaboration. In 2024, the organisation’s impact has attracted international attention, and has been shortlisted for the annual Non-Profit Organisation Awards. With the growing recognition in the industry, Cross Encounters has been considered as an emerging leading group in cross-cultural performing art between Asia and Australia.

OLIVIA WANG and D’ARTAGNAN ZACHARIA in shooting site of Wake Her Up_Cross Encounters

OLIVIA WANG and D’ARTAGNAN ZACHARIA in Wake Her Up_Cross Encounters

OLIVIA WANG and D’ARTAGNAN ZACHARIA in Wake Her Up_Cross Encounters
OLIVIA WANG and D’ARTAGNAN ZACHARIA in Wake Her Up_Cross Encounters

@oliviawangwo@D’Artagnan Zacharia @Oliver Klajnscek @crossencountersau@crossencountersassistant

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